FAA Certified Commercial NDT Program

FAA Repair Station 8KNR650C

Cage Code: 7HCZ1

SkyOne Aerospace has recognized a need for FAA certified Nondestructive Testing Services in the I90 corridor aerospace industry. To fill that void SkyOne, is pleased to announce the introduction of our NAS410 compliant FAA certified commercial NDT program.

We chose Magnetic Particle Testing and Liquid Penetrant Testing as the first two methods to launch the program with more NDT to be brought online as the program progresses.
Our Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) line is composed of two Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection benches. One MT bench is 6 ft. in length which is used for the smaller test specimens while the other bench is 14 ft. long and is capable of testing parts up to 13 ft. in length; the longest MT bench in the region!

We also have a stand-alone Demag coil which is capable of leaving test specimens with zero gauss of residual magnetism when testing is complete. This cannot be achieved with a built-in demagnetizing function and standard coil. Our MT line is fully calibrated and complies with standard practices called out in ASTM E1444 and ASTM E709.

The Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) line is composed of 5 each, 100 sq.ft. stations connected by a series of rollers making parts handling safe and efficient. The application station is equipped with a Rensburg 9040 electrostatic cascade coating system which makes applying penetrant on large abnormally shaped specimens a breeze, as well as being cost effective. The rinse station is equipped with the best technology in LED black lighting which exceeds industry standard for brightness. Dry developer is applied in a cloud cabinet for the highest sensitivity levels possible. The final inspection station is equipped with a Magnaflux EV6000 handheld inspection black light as well as a stationary Magwerks Ultra black 400SA unit. The final inspection station is also outfitted with a full computer system to assist in processing, documentation, and customer communications. And of course, our PT line is fully calibrated and complies with standard practices called out in ASTM E1417 and ASTM E165.

Just as important as having the right equipment; is having the right personnel! For this reason, SkyOne has hired on a graduate of Spartan School of Aeronautics with 22 years of NDT experience under his belt to oversee the whole operation. And under him we have hired some of the best local talent available.

SkyOne Aerospace has made the investment necessary to have a successful NDT Testing program and we are looking forward to not only the launch of the commercial NDT services but also the expansion and development of the program. And we are not limiting our NDT services to just aerospace either.

Give us a call and tell us what you’ve got!

Bushings that needed NDT

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